Dental services

root canal therapy

  • Despite common misconceptions, root canal therapy is actually similar to getting a tooth filling and offers relief from the pain of infection and inflammation. Root canals are tiny passageways within the tooth that branch off from beneath the top of the tooth, coursing their way vertically downward, until they reach the tip of the root. All teeth have between one to five root canals. Many tooth problems involve infections that spread to the pulp, which is the inner chamber containing blood vessels, nerves and other tissues. If the infection worsens, it can affect the bone surrounding the roots.

    A diseased inner tooth may cause pain and sensitivity and can be the first indication of a problem. If left unattended, an abscess can develop. Root canal therapy has a very high rate of success and involves removing the diseased tissue, halting the spread of infection and saving the tooth from extraction. Before the development of root canals, the only alternative for a diseased tooth was extraction.

  • Root canal therapy typically involves one to three visits. During the first visit, a small hole is drilled through the top of the tooth and into the inner chamber. Diseased tissue is removed, and the inner chamber and the canals are disinfected and reshaped. The cleansed chamber and canals are filled with an elastic material and medication designed to prevent infection. If necessary, the drilled hole is temporarily filled until a permanent restoration is made with a crown.

    Most patients who have root canal experience little or no discomfort and enjoy a restored tooth that lasts almost as long as its healthy original.