Dental services


  • Dental bonding is a process in which a tooth-colored composite resin is applied to your tooth’s surface. The enamel-like material is sculpted to an ideal shape, hardened and then polished. When the resin bonds with a tooth, it disguises and repairs imperfections or discoloration. Dental bonding creates a similar effect as veneers, but the process is less expensive and quicker. However, bonding is more susceptible to staining or chipping than other forms of restoration such as veneers.

  • The bonding procedure is accomplished in a single office visit. We prepare your tooth for the procedure by lightly etching the surface and applying a bonding liquid. Once the liquid sets, a plastic resin is applied and sculpted into the desired shape by the dentist. Bonding typically is a more short-term solution compared to crowns or veneers but is much more conservative in preserving existing tooth structure.