Serving all ages with care & compassion


At Salt Creek Family Dental, the road to lifelong dental health begins with a comprehensive wellness visit that includes a comfortable cleaning, x-rays and a personalized exam. We serve all age groups, from infants to seniors, and offer a full range of dental services.

Your initial visit includes an oral cancer screening, visual examination of the teeth and supporting structures, charting, periodontal probing, diagnosis and treatment recommendations. We also take digital x-rays  to review your bone profile and check for cavities in between the teeth.

If you’re a new patient—welcome! We invite you to learn more about what to expect at your first visit.


Salt Creek Family Dental brings a wealth of experience to every procedure. Most of our senior patients have been patients for decades. For newer patients, we provide a thorough analysis of your oral health to create a dental healthcare plan.

As you age, it’s normal to experience natural wear and tear of your teeth. Preventative care and regular cleanings can offset serious issues and remain an important part of a healthy dental routine. By maintaining good habits, you’ll keep your pearly whites in great shape.

  • In addition to routine dental visits, it’s essential to establish a home care regime of daily flossing, brushing and if needed, routine rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash. When brushing, take your time to ensure you’re removing plaque and tartar. Another helpful habit is to rinse with water after meals. Rinsing between meals removes food particles and lowers bacteria levels.

    If you notice any problem areas, are experiencing tooth or gum sensitivity or you’re having problems with your dentures, schedule a visit with us to prevent any further damage.

  • When a problem or concern arises, our dentists can provide stress-free solutions. Some common procedures for our senior patients include:

    • Gum disease (periodontal disease) treatment: Periodontal disease treatments, such as root planing and scaling, can reduce or eliminate the inflammation which causes gum disease and can help lessen future dental problems.

    • Teeth whitening treatments: Professional teeth whitening, which can remove years of stubborn stains, can be paired with other treatments to transform your smile.

    • Dental crowns: Crowns can restore the function and appearance of a damaged tooth.

    • Porcelain veneers: Veneers can enhance your smile and mask major dental flaws.

    • Dental implants: Implants offer a permanent solution in the case of missing teeth.

    • Dentures: Complete dentures replace all the teeth, while a partial denture fills in the spaces created by several missing teeth and prevents other teeth from changing position.