Unlocking the Strength of Tooth Enamel: Your Guide to Preventing and Dealing with Cracked Teeth

Your teeth are truly remarkable. Composed of the body's toughest substance, tooth enamel, they are a testament to the marvel of nature. Tooth enamel is an incredible material, consisting of 96% minerals, making it the most mineral-dense tissue in your body. It primarily consists of a crystalline structure known as hydroxyapatite, formed by the bonding of calcium and phosphorus. This unique composition gives your teeth an extraordinary degree of durability and resistance to damage.

The design of your teeth is equally impressive. Nature has engineered them to fit together like the pieces of a puzzle, allowing you to use them repeatedly day in and day out. On average, we utilize our teeth for various functions around three times a day, 365 days a year, totaling over a thousand times annually. Depending on your age, this number can be even more substantial, underscoring the importance of their strength and resilience.

However, despite their remarkable endurance, teeth are not indestructible. Recent research from Harvard nutritionists emphasizes the importance of our overall well-being, including the impact of our dietary choices. Consuming nuts and seeds daily has been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease, potentially even extending our lives. As a result, we've noticed an increase in cases of cracked teeth among our patients here in Hinsdale.

If you suspect that you may have a cracked tooth or find yourself holding a fragment of your tooth, it's essential to take immediate action. Here's what you should do:

1. Contact Our Hinsdale Emergency Dentist:

- Call us at 630-323-0060 to schedule an appointment with our experienced Hinsdale emergency dentist, Dr. Medynskyj. Inform us about your dental emergency, and we'll do our best to see you promptly.

2. Preserve Tooth Fragments:

- If any tooth fragments have fallen out, carefully place them in a clean container with a moist solution, such as cold milk, water, or saliva. Bring these fragments with you to your appointment; we may be able to reattach them. If your tooth has come out of its socket (excluding baby teeth), reinsert it immediately. You can rinse it with water first, but only if debris is present on it.

3. Reduce Pain and Swelling:

- Apply a cold pack to your jaw to alleviate pain and swelling.

4. Stop Bleeding:

- If you're experiencing bleeding, apply gentle pressure with gauze to control it.

Experiencing pain while biting or sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures? It's crucial to seek professional dental care as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your tooth or the development of an infection.

Even if you're not aware of it, you may have a cracked tooth. We meticulously document these fractures during every dental examination and cleaning. Dr. Medynskyj maintains comprehensive records of your oral health, enabling us to track changes over time. When it comes to thorough dental care in Hinsdale, you won't find a more dedicated professional than Dr. Celeste!

Remember, we are here to assist you. Please don't hesitate to contact us at 630-323-0060 or send us an email at office@saltcreekfamilydental.com. We eagerly anticipate hearing from you and helping you maintain your dental health.


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