protecting yourself against oral cancer

If there were a quick and painless way to identify pre-cancerous cells in the mouth of someone you loved, would you want them to try it?

What if that person were you?

The truth is, as uncomfortable as it may be to even think of the word “cancer,” thinking about it, and thus detecting it early, is key. That’s why, if you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, you should schedule a visit with Dr. Celeste Medynskyj at Salt Creek Family Dental. If you are in Hinsdale, IL or the surrounding area, contact us at 630-323-0060 and we will be happy to help.  While the oral exam that accompanies your cleaning may be an afterthought to you, it’s often your earliest line of defense in the detection of oral cancer.

Let’s take a quick look at a few of the risk factors and symptoms, and consider a few options you may have to help reduce risk. Keep in mind that no list is exhaustive, and to always share your concerns with each of your health care providers regarding your oral health.

Those at Risk for Oral Cancer

Passing certain age thresholds and engaging in certain lifestyle habits can place you at increased risk for oral cancer. For example, men tend to have higher rates of oral cancers than women, about twice as common. Here is the short list:

  • Patients age 40 and older account for 95% of all oral cancer cases. HPV-linked cancers tend to be diagnosed in patients under 50.

  • Patients who use tobacco including cigarettes, vapes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, among others. The more you smoke, the greater your risk. Even long-term exposure to secondhand smoke can increase your risk.

  • Patients who are heavy alcohol drinkers. Again, the more you drink, the higher your risk.

  • Patients who may have a previously diagnosed oral HPV infection. HPV DNA is found in 2 out 3 oropharyngeal cancers (mouth and throat caners) with type HPV 16 being the most often linked. The good news is that oropharyngeal cancers linked to HPV tend to have better outcomes (prognoses) because chemotherapy and radiation seems to work better.  See  to learn more about HPV and vaccines to prevent HPV infection.

  • Having excess body weight seems to increase the risk for cancers. 

  • Patients with a weakened immune system.

Warning signs

If you experience any of the below symptoms lasting more than 7-10 days, and are in Hinsdale, IL or surrounding communities, please seek the advice of Dr. Celeste Medynskyj at Salt Creek Family Dental. Also, keep in mind that aside from an obviously sore throat, the below symptoms can present themselves in the absence of pain. Look out for changes that can be detected on the lips, inside the cheeks, palate, and gum tissue surrounding your teeth and tongue.

  • Reddish or whitish patches in the mouth

  • A sore that fails to heal and bleeds easily

  • A lump or thickening on the skin lining the inside of the mouth

  • Chronic sore throat hoarseness

  • Difficulty chewing or swallowing

  • A swollen lump in the throat

Reducing risk

If you do not visit the dentist regularly, you could be missing out on the benefits of early cancer detection. Currently, the survival rate is more than five years in just over half of all those diagnosed with oral cancer  – a statistic driven by late diagnosis – so please visit our dentist in Hinsdale, IL and get an oral exam at least once a year. If you are considered “high risk,” (see list above) you should be receiving an oral exam at least every six months, if not more frequently.

Below is a short list of healthy habits you can start doing now, which may reduce your risk.

 • Avoid all tobacco products

 • Avoid or reduce your consumption of alcohol

• Consume more fruits and vegetables (good for everything, of course)

• Avoid excessive sun exposure that can result in cancer of the lip (using lip balm with an SPF of at least 30 can be helpful). We have some complimentary at our office - just ask us!

• Avoid exposure to environmental hazards (wood dust, formaldehyde, printing chemicals)

• Conduct a self-exam monthly so you can catch any of the symptoms listed above. Uses a small hand-held mirror so you can see the back of your mouth and tongue.

Our wonderful hygienists in Hinsdale, IL,  Sally, Maribeth, or Nancy, are great people to ask for instructions on this sort of home exam. If you haven’t been in to see us in a while or looking for a new dentist, give us a ring 630-323-0060, and we’ll show you how to perform this exam during your visit.  

Dr. Medynskyj’s own father was a victim of throat cancer (cancer of the vocal cords). His first indication that something was amiss was when his voice became very hoarse. He promptly went to the doctor and was diagnosed with Stage 1 laryngeal cancer. He quit smoking and received radiation therapy and remained cancer free for 14 more years (he eventually passed away from Pulmonary Fibrosis). To this day, Dr. Celeste is grateful that he received prompt treatment because he was able to be there for some of his children’s very large life milestones including Dr. Celeste becoming a dentist! This is one of reasons Dr. Celeste is a strong advocate for consistent yearly oral cancer exams.

When you visit your dentist, Salt Creek Family Dental in Hinsdale, IL, you can be assured that you are receiving the highest level of care. We treat all our patients like our own family and truly want to help! We hope to see you soon!!!!


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